FUEL is excited to unveil our new logo!
Designing and picking a logo was a lot… let me restate that – A LOT! more difficult and time consuming that we ever imagined on day one. We wanted something that said healthy food, fuel power for your body, and hopefully looked cool and unique. Simple right?
FUEL is a healthy meal delivery service in Korea so we thought about trying to incorporate something about food delivery in Korea as well. We went through countless revisions and some good and some pretty bad versions. We finally got the help of a professional designer who really helped us out. I’m sure we annoyed him at times but at the end of the day we think our new logo is pretty cool! We hope you like it too!
At FUEL our mission is to bring healthy but still delicious meals to everyone in Korea. We are creating a menu using the freshest locally grown produce and highest quality meats and proteins. FUEL is NOT diet food though. We will bring you a diverse range of flavours and textures as well as low calorie and comfort foods. We will cut out the unnecessary and unhealthy ingredients and pack in extra good stuff like veggies that will give your body that super charged feeling that you need to crush your days and still have fun at night.
Do you think we should name our logo? Send us any ideas at: